Play Sensible


Remember, whenever you are playing the gaming machines with us it is important to stay sensible. If you are worried about your gambling or worried about the gambling habits of a family member, help is available.

Gambling should be a fun and enjoyable experience – it should not be something that means you have to beg, borrow, steal or lie to friends and family. If you or someone you know is spending beyond their means and is borrowing money, or living on credit just to gamble, then perhaps now is the time to seek some help.

The Gambling Helpline is a toll free number that operates 24-hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week for advice. There is also a dedicated gambling help service in Cairns where you can turn to for advice on your problem or that of a friend or loved one. For more information call (07) 4050 4955.

For the toll-free Gambling Helpline call 1800 222 050.

We work hard to ensure we only provide our gaming services in respectful, responsible, and lawful ways. That’s why we offer access to 24/7 counselling, we ban betting with credit cards, we manage access to ATMs responsibly, we advertise responsibly, and we have staff trained in intervention and referrals. We have a carefully designed and managed self-exclusion program and we’re working with Clubs Queensland and Clubs Australia to keep developing even better ways to help.

Brothers Leagues Club and Fuller Sports Club support responsible gambling.

CLICK HERE to find out more about what clubs across Australia are doing.


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Play Sensible - when playing the pokies it is important to stay sensible.