
Archives: Events


Keno Lucky Losers

Fuller Sports Club 24-32 Armstrong Street, Edmonton

Be a lucky loser at Fuller Sports every first day of the month! Place your tickets in the Keno barrel every day for another chance...


3 Course Roast

Fuller Sports Club 24-32 Armstrong Street, Edmonton

Treat yourself to a 3-Course Roast every Sunday at Fuller Sports Club for both lunch (11:30am-2pm) and dinner (5pm-9pm)! For only $22 for members or...


Jungle Jackpot

Jungle Jackpot will have you searching for the tigers! 5x Members will win up to $400 each! Plus, find the tiger to win cash bonuses....


Fortune Fiesta

Fuller Sports Club 24-32 Armstrong Street, Edmonton

Join us for the Fortune Fiesta on Sundays afternoon at Fuller Sports! We have $800 CASH GUARANTEED to be won every week! 8x members will...

Stay up to date

Events for 1 September 2024 – Fuller Sports Club https://www.fullersports.com.au/event/slither-to-riches/2025-02-01/